Daniela Natali, about me

Daniela Natali, about me
Daniela Natali has always worked in the field of art and artistic craftsmanship. She dedicated herself to Iconography after having worked twenty years the "scagliola". During that long period, she become familiar with plaster casts and the use of natural pigments.
She became an iconography enthusiast after a trip to Russia, during which she admired the famous Icons, as well as the magnificent frescoes of the Orthodox churches.
Daniela Natali started "writing" Icons herself, learning the floding technique from DVDs by master Vladislav Andrejev. Afeter taht, she desired to approach other techniques; so she followed a course of the masters Giovanni Raffa and Laura Renzi and one of the gilding master Grazia Sgrilli.
The range of different experiences and techniques led Daniela Natali to develop her own way of painting, with a technique that is constantly evolving; she plays with colors and pigments, superimposing glazes up to obtain the desired effect.
Almost all the Icons are made starting from the table of raw linden, which Daniela Natali prepares herself with linen and plaster, making use of her previous work experience.
For gilding, authentic gold leaves are used, applied with the gouache technique. The gilding is embellished with workmanship, graffiti, paintings on gold and chiaroscuro between more or less shiny areas.
Daniela Natali pays great attention to use materials that are respectful of Iconographic techniques, as they have been handed down from the past; she tries to work without "modern" aids, respecting the long times required by tradition materials, both from the Russian masters and from the ancient Tuscan and Italian masters.